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  3. Animals

Spider tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Spider? Spider é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 593 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, LII em sociônicos."

Ni - They sit in a dark corner in their (well-constructed) web all day long doing nothing. If that isn't Ni dominant I don't know what is. Any sensor would go insane from lack of external stimulus. It's possible they place their webs in strategic positions, but we don't really have any evidence if that's the case. (the only real "evidence" is: if they don't catch any prey, they starve and die) Te - If anything gets trapped in the web spiders are quick and efficient to kill their prey and wrap it into a "lunchbox" made of silk. Quite fascinating to watch this with your own eyes. Not to mention their web building skills, whose only goal is efficiency ( to counter the "artist" argument ). Yeah, their web HAPPENS to look nice and symmetrical, but that's simply because it works the best. Fi - Not really sure what to say here. If you destroy a spider's web, it will re-build it again, in the same place, exactly as it was before. Just out of spite perhaps? Although, arguments could be made for both Te and Si here - the spiders rebuilds the web in the same place and the same way, because that worked the best in the past (excluding the random destruction event). We also know many spiders are cannibals and have little regard for others' feelings. Se - AFAIK they can detect Earth's magnetic field which they use to navigate by. They feel the tiniest vibrations, etc.. Apparently there is a lot more, but I don't really know all the details.


Spiders (order Araneae) are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs, chelicerae with fangs generally able to inject venom, and spinnerets that extrude silk. They are the largest order of arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all orders of organisms. Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except for Antarctica, and have become established in nearly every land habitat.
