England tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é England? England é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - 613 em enneagram, SLOEN em Big 5, LSE em sociônicos."

I think a lot depends on which area you live in, and your age bracket. Youth culture is definitely more Se-heavy. Especially if you're a uni student, it's all about that binge-drinking lad culture. Or going to raves/music festivals and bombing enough MDMA to kill a medium-sized mammal. Essex is probably an Se-Fe loop ESTP microculture of its own. I do still think if you take the whole of England as an average, across all regions and age groups, we are an ISTJ culture that's very set in its ways and resistant to change (e.g. our stubborn insistence on refusing to adopt metric measurements for many things, or automatic transmission in cars, because "that's how we've always done it and if it ain't broke, don't fix it"). The national obsession with football also taps into that tribalistic Si mentality, the need for belonging. So it seems self-evident to me that England is an Si-dom or Si-aux culture. The reason I lean towards ISTJ is because the English are stereotypically cold, pragmatic, emotionally reserved and uncomfortable with public displays of affection. An assembly-line culture where everyone is expected to know their place and do their part. One interesting contradiction of English culture, however, is that we're quite fond of 'eccentric' people as long as they don't deviate too radically from accepted social norms - think of the popularity of xNTP characters such as Boris Johnson or Jeremy Clarkson.

