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Ant tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ant? Ant é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 1w9 - so/sp - 162 em enneagram, SCOAN em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

Looks like Ants are all about efficiency and repetitive work/routine to bring back leaves and food to the Ant Queen as efficient and reliable as possible 👸 They even create an organized Queue for that. The “employees” are very very organized and do repetitive tasks with ease and most important: Naturally (one ant following another ant). SiTe shines. It’s so easy to do that for them that makes me shocked! It would be a hell for me to do that XD Also, you can do one little experience with Ants. When you see queue of 100 ants walking 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️. Use your finger to try to cut the queue (you don’t need to kill the ants, just to pass the finger on the floor cutting the queue perpendicularly). After that, the ants will become really confused and cannot follow the queue anymore hahahhahahah. This is Ne inf! They became crazy when something goes out-of-control, when an unpredicted situation takes place 😂 The Ant Queen is ESTJ though 👸 And these black ant warriors are ESTPs 🤺 This is funny XD


Ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera. Ants evolved from vespoid wasp ancestors in the Cretaceous period, and diversified after the rise of flowering plants. More than 13,800 of an estimated total of 22,000 species have been classified. They are easily identified by their geniculate (elbowed) antennae and the distinctive node-like structure that forms their slender waists.
