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  3. Derry Girls

Sister George Michael tipo de personalidade mbti

Sister George Michael tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Sister George Michael? Sister George Michael é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 8w9 - sp/so - 853 em enneagram, RCOEN em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

INTJ 8 ?????????? WHY. First of all, this combination makes absolutely 0 sense. Second of all, where do y'all see Ni dom ? She definitely uses more Se than Ni, with how brutally realistic she is. Third of all, why Te ? She doesn't seem to be pushing efficiency, neither onto herself nor onto the girls from the school. ISTP fits her more, with how honest and raw she is. For her enneagram, I'm not entirely sure. She reminds me of Stanley Hudson from the Office, and it brings back the whole dilemma of “sp 9 ? Or e8 ?”. Because the combination ISTP 8 is kind of controversial, I'll go with sp9 for now, though I think it is definitely up to debate.


Headmistress at the Derry Girls' school, and local nun at their church.
