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Rico Verhoeven tipo de personalidade mbti

Rico Verhoeven tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Rico Verhoeven? Rico Verhoeven é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 9w8 - so/sx - 972 em enneagram, RCUAI em Big 5, SEI em sociônicos."

i watch some of his videos outside fighting, he focuses on the technicality of kickboxing and its moves, even though he's also a people-person, and a chill dude. He is also very observant and strategic in watching his opponents if they get tired (especially in 2nd to 3rd rounds), and he beats all of them, and put most of his energy in 3rd to 5th rounds, in 1st to 2nd round he is just calm and collected (this style is very 9w8). He is passionate at kickboxing, and likes to have fun training and fighting, instead of being anxious with it. Having fun on what he is doing makes him resilient, in training and fighting. He is a little bit show off sometimes, but he is kind, polite and classy as well. He doesn't take things personally.


He is an indisputed heavyweight division kickboxing champion. He was born in the Netherlands and has been training in the sport since he was 6 years old.

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