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Nike / Victoria tipo de personalidade mbti

Nike / Victoria tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Nike / Victoria? Nike / Victoria é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 3w4 - so/sx - 378 em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

The only joke here It's about people who think for """being a warrior can't be Fe Dom""" (¿William Wallace - ENFJ? ¿Liu Bei - ENFJ? ¿Perseus - ESFJ?) and type her as Se or Te Dom just because war. Just 3w4 tendencies but Nike's meaning it's really ENFJ. Fe doms are not necesary all friendly and good servers, Nike It's the personification of ENFJ 3w4, wich is called "The Aristocrat" and many times get mistyped as ENTJ. «ENFJ 3w4s are ambitious people. They don’t just want to be ambitious or successful. They also want to look the part. This need translates to how they look, talk, or behave. They are truly the definition of aristocracy. The core desire of the ENFJ 3w4 is to be successful and to be seen as successful. They want the good things that come with success. Because of their wing, they also want to be different from the rest. The core fear of the ENFJ 3w4 is to be ordinary and be seen as ordinary. For this reason, this personality type might live fake lives just to appear successful.» I find it funny that those who voted Se or Te dom are arguing that we are forgetting the war part and they seem to be the only thing they argue to say that it is not ENFJ. Nike was not limited to military victory, it was the representation of victory in general whether in combat, arts, or business and was also dedicated to judging competitive behavior and supporting Zeus or Athena. Her Fe-Ni with a very high influence of her enneagram is so obvious, gosh.


Nike (pronounced nigh-key) is the personification of the spirit of victory. As such, she is a somewhat shallow being who thinks only of conflict and ultimate triumph. If a problem or situation can’t be described in terms of conflict, with definite conditions for declaring victory, Nike considers it beneath her notice. Nike appears as a tall, winged woman, though she can take other forms. She is not a very popular deity except among victorious people. She's often called upon by Athena or Ares to ride with them when they go to battle, thus assuring one side or the other victory. Nike's a fickle goddess, though, and goes only when she desires. Ares and Athena both realize that they can't force the power; she must be wooed like any other person. Nike is a sister to Eris, the goddess of Discord, and between the two of them, they own three golden apples. Any mortal who spies one of the apples desires it; toss one in the path of an enemy, and the foe won't be able to think about anything but procuring the apple for themself.

Religião celebridade semelhante a Nike / Victoria
