Anime tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Anime? Anime é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 469 em enneagram, RLUAI em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

I wouldn't say that i HATE anime in general, but i hate the most common aesthetic. i'm sorry, 5 girls with the same loli face, same body and just some different clothes ain't for me. also, i hate the ascension of genshin impact. i know it's a chinese game, but it's everything i hate in anime. the ascension of moe isn't for me. of course i'm not droping an anime just because of the generic character design. but looking back, it will impact negatively my general experience with the piece of media.


Anime (Japanese: アニメ, IPA: [aɲime]) is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. In Japan and in Japanese, anime (a term derived from the English word animation) describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. However, outside of Japan and in English, anime is colloquial for Japanese animation and refers specifically to animation produced in Japan. Animation produced outside of Japan with similar style to Japanese animation is referred to as anime-influenced animation.
