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  3. Aztec

Ometecuhtli tipo de personalidade mbti

Ometecuhtli tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ometecuhtli? Ometecuhtli é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w6 - - 125 em enneagram, em Big 5, LII em sociônicos."


Ometecuhtli (Nahuatl: “Two-Lord”) was an Aztec deity, “Lord of the Duality” or Lord of Life, who represented one aspect of the cosmic duality of the Aztec tradition. With his female counterpart, Omecíhuatl (“Two-Lady” or “Lady of the Duality”), Ometecuhtli resided in Omeyocan (“Two-Place” or “Double Heaven”), the 13th and highest Aztec heaven. The opposing factors in the Aztec universe included male and female, light and dark, motion and stillness, and order and chaos. Ometecuhtli was the only Aztec god to whom no temple was erected, nor was any formal cult active in his name. Seeing him as remote in the heavens, the Aztecs assumed he would never interact with them directly, but they were aware of his presence in every act of ritual and in every rhythm of nature. He was believed to be responsible for releasing the souls of infants from Omeyocan in preparation for human births on earth.

Religião celebridade semelhante a Ometecuhtli
