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  3. Sakamichi no Apollon

Kaoru Nishimi tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Kaoru Nishimi? Kaoru Nishimi é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 5w6 - sx/sp - 541 em enneagram, RCOAI em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

i feel like kaoru's more of an sx/sp 5: "with this subtype, a lot of energy revolves around the issue of boundaries. sexual/self-pres fives tend to forge strong connections quickly and deeply, but if they feel betrayed, begin to feel overwhelmed, or if they feel that the connection doesn’t serve their true needs, can seem to cut the connection precipitously and 'go cold'" (from https://oceanmoonshine9.wordpress.com/five-stacks/). doesn't this sound like how things went with his major relationships? sp/sx and sx/sp 5s often appear very similar on first impression, but i think kaoru has a significant enough amount of intensity and emotion buried beneath the surface to be sx/sp. his outbursts of anger throughout the show seem like an unhealthy sx/sp 5 thing, and he's not quite detached enough to be an sp dom. he makes powerful connections and, when disappointed in any way with them, he isolates himself.

