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Juan Román Riquelme tipo de personalidade mbti

Juan Román Riquelme tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Juan Román Riquelme? Juan Román Riquelme é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 584 em enneagram, RCUEN em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

Riquelme cuando se fue a jugar a Villareal: Para que me tengo que comprar una casa a 100 km lejos del campo de entrenamiento como todos los futbolistas? Yo me la compro cerca, bajo caminando al campo, veo a la gente, la saludo y llego en 5 minutos.


Juan Román Riquelme (born 24 June 1978) is a retired Argentine footballer. An attacking midfielder, he spent most of his career with Argentine club Boca Juniors, where he won ten titles, but also had a significant spell in Spain with Villarreal; he also had stints with Barcelona and Argentinos Juniors in Spain and Argentina respectively. Riquelme was named the Argentine Footballer of the Year four times. An Argentine international for 11 years, Riquelme represented the nation at the 2006 World Cup and two Copa América tournaments, reaching the final in the 2007 edition; he also participated in the 2005 Confederations with Argentina, reaching the final, and he led his country as captain to win a Gold medal at the 2008 Olympics.

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