Bidam tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Bidam? Bidam é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - 648 em enneagram, SLUEN em Big 5, em sociônicos."

I think he's one of the most obvious 6 I've ever seen. Even if he has the quirkness of 7, he is such a 6. Extremely loyal to the only few he cares, considering them as his own search of security becaming depandable of them. This happened with his key figures, especially with Deokman. He is extremely loyal with her, but a lot doubtful, ending up to destruction sadly. Basic Fear: Of being without support and guidance Basic Desire: To have security and support This quote: Deokman: "You could have told me" Bidam: "And If I did, and ended up again becoming someone you have to use for?" or -- Deokman "Are you that happy" Bidam"It's because I enjoy your trust" Mishil to Bidam "I tried to gain the throne by gaining people's heart, however you're trying to gain this country to gain people's heart. (deokman) With that fleeble and fragil devotion, only people can foment, what a most innocent dream you are ispiring for" And also Bidam vs Deokman point of view is a lot Fi vs Fe, especially in the end of their love arc. She ready to change, become someone she is not just for her country, and he still breaking all rules to value her as Deokman. "I have no name anymore. I'm just her Majesty" "So I will call you with that name" or "Why did you change?" "At least with me you can be yourself" "Only then my heart will throb" (actually this was before, when she was already carrying her duties as princess) The most sad part is how became too controphobic: "Do you know, that until the end, she trusted you?" "It isn't me" Deokman to Bidam: "Sometimes you look like a child" - to his innocence. He sounds this kind of "bloody killer" but his true nature is more fragil. Such a tragic character. He shows a lot of quirky side, at the beginning he seems an Unhealthy ENFP, but he is for sure someone that shows more Fi than Ne.

