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  3. All for the Game (Series)

Neil Josten tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Neil Josten? Neil Josten é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 684 em enneagram, RLUEN em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

Why 4 in tritype? because it's not focused on people? I think 2 suits him better, if only because I don't see him as a tragic romantic. after all, 4 is the most emotional and sincere type, they feel that they are not like everyone else, this is their vulnerable place. And in a state of stress, 4 turns into type 2, and 2 turns into 8, I think that in stress, Neal has type 8, not 4 I am sure that he is a ESI, because he clearly traces the Fi, especially when it comes to confrontation, its principles and the division into "friends and enemies" I will say-very much in ESI, plus gamma quadra, and in general look at the first function of ESI - if it is not Neil, then I do not know, and of course the favorite aggressor


The Foxes' starting striker and protagonist of the series. Originally a backliner in Little Leagues before his mother took him and ran away from his mob boss father, after he is sold to the Moriyamas to pay off his debt.

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