1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Literatura
  3. Circe

Circe tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Circe? Circe é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 416 em enneagram, RLUAI em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

circe might've been or probably is an INFJ in real myths but shes most definitely not INFJ in books and yall are typing her blindly. she describes herself as "impulsive and unable to learn from mistakes" which is very strong Se for someone who's supposed to be a Se inferior. also another one "i was tired of planning everything carefully, some people had it naturally, but not me" IF THIS DOESNT SCREAM THAT SHES NOT A Ni DOM THEN IDK WHAT DOES, SHE LITERALLY SAYS THAT SHES NOT COMFORTABLE WITH Ni AND YALL STILL TYPED HER AS A Ni DOM. shes a clear ISFP in books and theres no way some of y'all actually read books and then typed her as an INFJ, yall mistaked this profile for myths or something? because there's absolutely no way you can See dominant Ni in her, in the books, absolutely none. she literally has talent for psychic abilities and somehow managed to have 0 Ni. girl literally has ability to cast a spell that shows u future and doesnt even bother to give it a second thought, i never saw her foreshadow events either, whole thing of Ni doms focusing on outcome rather then process is also the opposite of her and she also didnt even give a second thought on why athena wanted to kill her son and what was the actual reasoning behind it, what would be the outcome of it and how it would affect the future, neither the danger her song held.

