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  3. 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Michael Eckman tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Michael Eckman? Michael Eckman é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - 692 em enneagram, SCUAI em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

6 core?? Fear??? Man what. And, why the 2 fix. this guy doesn't fear nothing (he is very imprudent) He is not sp 6, so 6 or sx 6, you just can't see fear, ambivalent thinking, catastrophics scenaries or nothing. Classical ENTP is E7, not E6. He understands very well the social hierarchy, plus he actually fits with the definition of the social 7. Don't see traits of the 8, but some of the 6. 7w6 is more introvert than 7w8, and the 7w6 is more likely to want mental stimulation (and 7w8 more physical), so that's it



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