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  3. Captain Tsubasa

Kojiro Hyuga tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Kojiro Hyuga? Kojiro Hyuga é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 836 em enneagram, SLOEN em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."

I haven't finished the whole series yet, but I dare to say he's Organised in Big 5 - Self-Efficacy, Self-Assurance, Competence: Very High - Orderliness: Mid-high - Dutifulness: Very High - Achievement-Striving: Very High - Self-Discipline: Very High - Cautiousness, Prudence, Deliberation: Mid He has always been an overachiever with no more less of the dream of being the world's best football player. He always had a goal to achieve (first playing and working to improve his familiar situation, then scoring a goal to Genzo from out of the area, then defeating Tsubasa at the national tournaments and having the most goals, then being the best player in the Europe tournament, etc.) and always followed the best path for him even if that meant leaving his teammates (remember when he left Toho for a while to train with his old trainer in the sea bc he said he became 'weak'). I'm not saying Unorganised people can't have and achieve goals, but Hyuga has always had a very strong sense of duty and competence. Anyway, I'm willing to hear opinions on this point and see why people vote him as Unorganised. (Sorry if I had poor English, it is not my first language)



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