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  3. Boardwalk Empire

Margaret Thompson tipo de personalidade mbti

Margaret Thompson tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Margaret Thompson? Margaret Thompson é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 926 em enneagram, RLOAI em Big 5, EII em sociônicos."

Margaret strikes me as an INFP and a good representation at that, unhealthy Fi doms are usually easily hurt and tend to close themselves out of anger, but Margaret pretty rational, when she's verbally attacked but she knows she's wrong she always takes the time to think things throught and better herself. She usually strives to know the moral consequences of her acts and questions Nucky's principles. I do see a decent degree of Ne in her in actions like giving classes to pregnant women after realizing they were pretty ignorant about their condition or taking advantage of Nucky's property to build an hospital. I actually love her character, mafia wives like Carmela or Skylar use to be these melodramatic women but Margaret's pretty sensible and self-contained.


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