Amana Osaki tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Amana Osaki? Amana Osaki é um tipo de personalidade ESFJ em mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 927 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."

I think her Fe is pretty clear with her being pretty selfless and always thinking about Tenka but im not sure if she is ENFJ or ESFJ, i will go with ESFJ because that's the consensus, well, and she being a 2 is pretty obvious i believe. Besides that, i like her a lot, pretty sweet character, i love how optimist she is and how much she cares about tenka.


"I wanna do lots of fun stuff that I can only do now! Right, Tenka?" Tenka's younger twin sister. An innocent cheerful and easygoing gal who will talk to everyone and never likes to be separated. She likes to put all her effort into enjoying things that she can't experience any other time. She is in her 2nd year of highschool, and the center of ALSTROEMERIA.
