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Piers Morgan tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Piers Morgan? Piers Morgan é um tipo de personalidade ESTJ em mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 368 em enneagram, SLOEN em Big 5, LSE em sociônicos."

I'm on neither side when it comes to the royals & Meghan... that's their business to deal with (Which should have been done privately) but this guy comes across as a bully... a hypocrite as well as being domineering. Yeah sometimes he makes interesting points and speaks his mind (I respect that)... But everyone has to hear his opinion enough times whilst mouthing over someone's else's opinion and also using bullying tactics if it goes against his belief. That also goes against freedom of speech and it wouldn't surprise me if Piers pushed the weatherman to the snapping point. He's suppose to be an interviewer questioning and listening to what others have to fully say. I see Piers as a Te Dom myself.


Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan (born 1965) is an English broadcaster, journalist, writer, and television personality. He is former editor of the Daily Mirror and worked as presenter on the ITV Breakfast programme Good Morning Britain.

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