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Clairo tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Clairo? Clairo é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 946 em enneagram, RLUAI em Big 5, SEI em sociônicos."

She is an ISFP. More and more people are typing her ‘INFP’, maybe because of her lyricism and the comments that read that not every singer is ISFP. But she is. First, you saw in her younger self how present-oriented she was with people, and you still see it now. Also, when she talks about music, she cares more about how the songs work, the production, and how they come off, rather than the lyrics. Sling may have particularly deep lyrics, but that’s just because she’s a great writer. On every EP and album she’s made (at least since ‘Metal Heart’, which I didn’t listen to), all or most of her songs have been as or more instrumental than the words. On ‘Sling’, she even made a whole song with only instruments and vocalizations. Also, when she’s not socializing with fans or saying a big speech, she’s a person of a few words, which is specifically an effect of aux-Se. Also, her character matches more the traits of RLUAI over RCUAN, but she’s also definitely limbic, and she seems inquisitive; I don’t notice her non-curiosity. I am torn between 4w3 and 9w1. I agree with the tritype, but I’m unsure about the core and 1st fix. Update: She is a 4. The consensus of her MBTI and enneagram type, it turns out, are right. Especially when she made Pretty Girl, she made it because she felt like it was messed up that she felt like she had to be a “pretty girl” for someone. She doesn’t like the idea of losing yourself in someone. You could think of Pretty Girl as her personal anthem. Pretty evident of 4w3 or 9w1, right? But the lyrics to that song are sarcastic. And her intentions on that song already show us a lot about herself. The song, taken literally, is ISFJ 9w1. Her manager Mike says that “she’s fiercely herself” (read: Fi-ercely herself) and that she “knows what she wants”, so this is another thing that confirms my reasoning for voting ‘4’, since those qualities apply more specifically to 4 than 9. All her life, she also felt different—too different to maintain friendships, felt like people in Carlisle were “difficult to deal with”, and felt like there was something wrong with her to not be able to stay in one friendship. When she went to Syracuse University for college, she met the people she would eventually maintain a long, strong friendship with and those are the people we know as Josh, Claud, and Noa—her best friends and bandmates on Shelly 🐚. ISFPs are not necessarily going to be outcasts, but ISFP 4s, especially in small cities, will be if they don’t find their people. Also, like one of her old posts suggests: “ALL U CAN DO IN THIS LIFE IS BE NICE. SUPPORT UR FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND DON'T BE AN ******* LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE AN ANGRY SAD PERSON” (sic), which resonates more with 4 than 9, though you could argue both. She also takes herself seriously in a way a 4 would, rather than a 9—that you hear in her interactions with other people. Update 2: She could also be getting INFP votes because of some instances where she may come across as having Si, like some claim in her concerts, and maybe even in a quote she made in 2019 that goes, “I could never write a record that wasn’t about something I’d experienced”. I see an argument for Si, but I don’t see any Ne, though, and tons of Fi, so any high-Si type is immediately ruled out. That quote could also be her way of keeping her music real (high Se), as you here even in Sling that her personal life goes into every song. Ernest Hemingway—a Se-dom (ESTP)—even said, “In order to write about life, you must first live it!” Her not writing something unless she experienced it could also signify Ne blindness—something unique to ISPs


Claire Cottrill (born August 18, 1998), known professionally as Clairo, is an American recording artist from Carlisle, Massachusetts. She wrote "Pretty Girl" (2017), a lofi-produced song that attracted over 26 million views on YouTube. She credited her sudden popularity to the website's algorithm system.

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