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Nino Nakano tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Nino Nakano? Nino Nakano é um tipo de personalidade ESTJ em mbti, 6w7 - sx/so - 683 em enneagram, SLOEN em Big 5, SEE em sociônicos."

im back four months later to see that 6w7 is only 2 votes behind 3w2, so let me elaborate on why i think shes a 6 core rather than a 3. ninos whole character is based off of how family oriented she is and why she pushed fuutarou away because of that. she believed that fuutarou would end up disrupting their harmony, which is very common of sixes: doubting peoples intentions and mistrusting them. in the first few arcs, thats ALL her character is based off of. then, not to mention when she finally fell for fuutarou, she basically DEDICATED herself to him. she worked at the same place as him and even planned on going to the same university as him. that is also a common trait of sixes: to rely on something or SOMEONE (first it was her sisters, then it was fuutarou) in order to feel safe. they dedicate their loyalty to that thing or person (in ninos case, its a person). another thing that fuutarou often points out about nino is the fact that she always acts strong, fierce, and even harsh when in reality shes the most sensitive one out of all her sisters, which is the MOST 6 core thing ever. 6 core enneagrams usually put up a front of being strong or smart to cope with their fears because they dont want to face their fear. the 3 core votes must be getting confused with the fact that ninos character is also based around the fact that she cares a lot about her image and physical appearance, which i do admit applies to enneagram 3 (which is why i have her voted as a 683, she definitely has a 3 fix), but people should take into account that for most of the manga, negi emphasizes the differences between her and miku a lot. the fact that miku cares very little about her appearance when nino does is one of the differences that are most emphasized about them. for most of the manga, negi put up nino and miku as “rivals” because of their contrasting personalities. the 3 fix in nino mostly only applies when its being compared to miku, but it doesnt apply to nino HERSELF, ninos WHOLE character. the things that fuutarou point out about nino — her family oriented nature and cold front but soft interior — are the most important parts of nino because that is her true self. thats why nino is a 6w7 and NOT a 3w2.


Nino has an outgoing personality and is socially aware, resulting in her having many friends and is a social butterfly. She has a sharp tongue and talks bluntly when confronting others, even to her sisters. Her rebellious attitude makes her the least cooperative girl among the sisters, making her archetype resemble that of a "tsundere".

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