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Fernando Alonso tipo de personalidade mbti

Fernando Alonso tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Fernando Alonso? Fernando Alonso é um tipo de personalidade ENTJ em mbti, 1w2 - sx/sp - 137 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, LIE em sociônicos."

He is an obvious Te dom IMO. Has absolutely no Fe, he doesn't care a bit about team harmony, unlike Vettel who is a Fe user, at least the older and more mature version of Seb. Ferrari made it clear that they preferred the young and hungry Leclerc over Seb, but he left Ferrari on good terms despite being frustrated. His Ferrari and McLaren stints ended badly because of this. He criticize his teams in public and tend to spill his heart out instead of thinking further. I see a Te-Se loop instead of Te-Ni. Alonso is pretty impatient which is why I think he's ENTJ over INTJ. He basically ruled himself out of a potential drive for Red Bull by his infamous GP2 engine rant, clearly Se taking over Ni there. Also notice that Alonso had the best car on the grid like once or twice in his entire Formula One career? Alonso wants results and fast, he has the skills to push his car to the maximum like in 2010 and 2012 where he gave Vettel a run for his money despite driving a slower Ferrari, while Schumacher joined a struggling Ferrari in 1996 before turning them into a powerhouse team four years later. Alonso lacks Schumacher's patience and inputs, a driver of his talent could've won more than two world titles if he made better career decisions. If Alonso waited for five years like Schumacher did, he might have won his third title or at least challenge for it instead of competing with the ones like Palmer and Ericsson.


Fernando is a racing driver from Spain. He is a 2 times F1 world champion and has won in Le Mans and Daytona competing in the Endurance Series. He wants to win the Triple Crown. 🏆🏆

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