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Mina, the Reaper Queen tipo de personalidade mbti

Mina, the Reaper Queen tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Mina, the Reaper Queen? Mina, the Reaper Queen é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 6w5 - so/sx - 613 em enneagram, em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."


Mina was a poor peasant girl born under the Abyss' curse, which would normally turn people into ravenous demons, but she somehow possessed willpower to resist it and could use such power to defend herself. And yet, her life was miserable because of it; she couldn't bear children, the law prohibited marriage with people like her, and she was so estranged by her parents' insensitive words that she chose to live a secluded life, rejecting any suitors that approached her. Eventually her powers attracted the dark mage Lorion, who wanted to use her for his own purposes. However, Mina's dark powers exploded so greatly that they overwhelmed Lorion and his dark mages. In the end, Lorion offered her to Veera of the Abyss, who quickly made Mina her servant to spread destruction and chaos, also fueled by Mina's disgust with the world that gave her nothing but misery.

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