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Chris Ulmer (Special Books by Special Kids) tipo de personalidade mbti

Chris Ulmer (Special Books by Special Kids) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Chris Ulmer (Special Books by Special Kids)? Chris Ulmer (Special Books by Special Kids) é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 2w3 - so/sx - 279 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."

I'm going into a similar career field as he did, and when I saw how he interacted with everyone I immediately said "ah yes, one of us" lol. Fe is the basis of his channel, he's so focused on bringing people together and spreading acceptance. I very clearly hear Ni in the way he speaks as well. Possibly a trade secret, but we ENFJs are incredibly intentional speakers. We try to phrase things very carefully to make sure we're understood correctly, maintain a harmonious interaction, and anticipate people's reactions. I digress. He definitely also uses Se for fun which stands to reason as ENFJs have Se for a child function. He uses it to bond with people over external experiences. He's a wholesome guy and I'm happy to have him in our club.


Chris Ulmer (born March 5, 1989) is a special education teacher who is famous as the founder and CEO of the non-profit Special Books by Special Kids.
