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Charles II of Spain tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Charles II of Spain? Charles II of Spain é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 6w7 - sp/sx - 946 em enneagram, RLUAN em Big 5, SEI em sociônicos."

His portrait may not be that faithful. He was, after all, a result of series of deep inbreeding. Like his distant ancestor, the notorious Don Carlos(who died insane, practically disowned by his father Philip II of Spain, who had had enough of Carlos’ eccentricities), he was born of very delicate physical health and a sensitive mind. He could barely stand or walk without assistance, and his Hapsburg jaw was even more dominant than that of his own father(who was also his great-uncle, as he was the uncle of his mother, queen Mariana). He also failed to produce any children though he married twice. Still, Carlos outlived all his siblings, surprising many of his contemporaries. Although he wasn’t regarded as a successful leader(Spain faced many financial and diplomatic crisis at his time) he wasn’t that incompetent. He appointed his half-brother(until his death) as his advisor, making some progress in economy, and did not bring any troubles such as declaring any wars. He also had some positive aspects as a person. In stark contrast to his father(a known womanizer) Carlos was devoted to his first wife, and mourned deeply for her death when she died aged 27(her last words to him were; “many women may have loved you, but none would love you as I did.”).


Charles II (Spanish: Carlos; 6 November 1661 – 1 November 1700), also known as El Hechizado or the Bewitched, was the last Habsburg ruler of the Spanish Empire. He is now best remembered for his physical disabilities, believed to be the result of inbreeding, and the war for his throne that followed his death. He died childless in 1700 with no immediate Habsburg heir. His will named his successor as 16-year-old Philip of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV and Charles's half-sister Maria Theresa. Disputes over Philip's inheritance led to the War of the Spanish Succession.

Histórico celebridade semelhante a Charles II of Spain
