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  3. Historical Figures (600s)

Empress Wu Zetian tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Empress Wu Zetian? Empress Wu Zetian é um tipo de personalidade ENTJ em mbti, 8w7 - so/sp - 863 em enneagram, SCOEI em Big 5, SLE em sociônicos."

The Te-Ni is reeking in this, extremely methodical and calculated with a linear-focused, long-term vision “Empress Wang was fond of children, and Wu’s newborn daughter provided Wu an opportunity to eliminate the empress. Shortly after Empress Wang had played with the baby, Wu killed her own infant daughter and blamed the murder on Empress Wang. Gaozong believed this and soon dismissed his empress and promoted Wu Zhao to the position; she immediately put Wang and Xiao to death and exiled their relatives and supporters. Empress Wu was now able to fulfill her long-cherished Imperial dream and grasped all power in the guise of assisting Gaozong in managing state affairs. Gaozong was afraid of Wu because of her high intelligence and skills in manipulating officials. When Gaozong made Li Hong the crown prince in 656, Wu’s power continued to grow as the mother of a young future emperor. She established an informer system and appointed cruel officials to remove any opposition to her authority. These officials employed extensive torture, and many high ministers and aristocrats suffered from Wu’s repression of enemies or potential opponents. Wu also made great efforts to dispose of political rivals, having them removed from office, exiled, and executed.”


"Wu Zetian (690–705) was an extraordinary woman, attractive, exceptionally gifted, politically astute and an excellent judge of men. With single minded determination, she overcame the opposition of the Confucian establishment through her own efforts, unique among palace women by not using her own family." Wu Zetian (17 February 624 – 16 December 705), alternatively named Wu Zhao, Wu Hou, during the later Tang dynasty as Tian Hou, in English as Empress Consort Wu or by the deprecated term "Empress Wu", was a Chinese sovereign who ruled unofficially as empress consort and officially as Regent and empress dowager and officially as empress regnant (皇帝) during the brief Zhou dynasty (周, 690–705), which interrupted the Tang dynasty. Wu was the sole officially recognized empress regnant of China in more than two millennia. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu_Zetian
