1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Anime e mangá
  3. Noragami

Rabo tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Rabo? Rabo é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 874 em enneagram, RLOEN em Big 5, em sociônicos."


Rabō is one of the main antagonists of the anime. He is a God of Calamity known to have fought alongside Yato in the past. Though initially an anime-only character, he later appears in two chapters of Stray Stories Volume 3, which reveal his first meeting with Yato and the Stray. Rabō appears to be a cautious and careful character. He carefully gauges an enemy's strength and abilities before he will personally engage in combat. He enjoys letting himself get seen very briefly, as to hint to his presence and put his target on edge. He is also a cold character, killing humans, phantoms, and gods alike (regardless of whether it's a job or a personal grudge). #TakahiroSakurai

Anime e mangá caracteres semelhantes a Rabo
