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  3. Bob the Builder

Bob the Builder tipo de personalidade mbti

Bob the Builder tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Bob the Builder? Bob the Builder é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 2w3 - so/sp - 215 em enneagram, SCOAN em Big 5, ESE em sociônicos."

ISTP makes sense even if it is hard to admit because of the stereotype, I can't see him being inferior to Ti though so I have doubts about ESFJ. Ti: Always comes up with new solutions and solves every problem when the team has difficulties. Finds ways to get things done faster so some Te too. Se: Cautious about what happens on the building site, knows well how to use machines, prevents people from doing mistakes(Ni) because he always watches/knows what happens(Se). Ni: Plans the projects and envisions how they will look, always comes up with new objectives Fe: Very developed, builds things for other people, and offers personalized plans for them. Cares about people/machines' feelings(Fe) and solves their problems(Ti). Things about ways to ameliorate society's daily life with some useful constructions. His building is guided by Fe and he uses his Ti daily. Bobs fonctions would be Ti Fe Se Ni


The main protagonist and a General Contractor and head of his own construction yard based in Bobsville (original series) & Spring City (2015 series). A very passionate man who always shows determination to get the job done and to encourage everyone else.

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