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Madison Beer tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Madison Beer? Madison Beer é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 3w4 - sx/so - 369 em enneagram, SLOAI em Big 5, EIE em sociônicos."

ENFJ is pretty clear for me tbh, she used to be all about looks and impressions until 2019 (Fe-Se loop), when she decided to go deeper in her mind and talk about her personal feelings, the whole Life Support album and if you follow her work in the past few years, you'll see how her Ni is present in almost every song she makes (she has a lot of "i knew it" in her songs, always overthinking and overquestioning her own feelings and conclusions because she doesn't want them to be real, until the point she breaks) and even though typing someone based on lyrics isn't accurate sometimes, all her recent songs are very personal and deeper than that also, I'm not a genius at breaking down functions, but that's just my opinion, I wanna read some Si-Ne opinions as well, so feel free to reply


Madison Elle Beer is an American singer. On February 2, 2018, she released her debut extended play, As She Pleases and on February 26th, 2021 she released her full length debut album, Life Support.

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