Slash tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Slash? Slash é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - 954 em enneagram, RCUAN em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

hmmm, okay, so: i don’t see him as a Se dom: there are certainly things he did when younger that seem very impulsive, but impulsivity is not necessarily exclusive to Se doms (or Se users). his environment encouraging that kind of thing, in addition to his being impaired by alcohol and/or drugs probably played a big role. if you watch interviews of Slash, he tends to come across as a very even-tempered guy who prefers to think before acting / speaking. his answers are concise-yet-careful. he doesn’t seem super rushed or impulsive at all — see Axl, a probable Se-dom who is very much capable of being rational at times (i.e. in court) but is still far more impulsive than Slash — and values taking a step back to look at things. i also don’t really see him as a Fi dom (or Fi user)…? Slash seems to use more of a practical, "this is just what i think" approach that reminds me of Ti-Se. i don’t see the strong morals / more personalized display of feelings; Slash very much gives off "whatever you wanna do, man, just doesn’t make sense to me" vibes imho lol i think that, maybe, some of the difficulty regarding typing Slash as either a thinking or a feeling type is that Slash is soft-spoken and more reserved, and when he does speak he cracks a smile or laughs at a joke fairly often. because he doesn’t tend to come across as someone super blunt and logical, some people may think he prefers following his feelings instead: which is okay! but thinking types are still very much capable of expressing their emotions and having fun. they just tend to prefer logic when judging, analyzing, reacting, etc to most situations. even Izzy, who is typically considered to be a Ti dom, cracked jokes, smiled, laughed at stuff his bandmates said, etc. also, Slash’s inferior Fe is a little more apparent when he speaks to fans: he once accepted phone calls from fans in the early 1990s and was very sheepish / awkward when showered with praise. since Fe is focused on others, inferior Fe (esp if less developed) can get a little overwhelmed in situations like these.


Saul Hudson (born July 23, 1965), better known by his stage name Slash, is an English-American musician and songwriter. He is best known as the lead guitarist of the American hard rock band Guns N' Roses, with whom he achieved worldwide success in the late 1980s and early 1990s. During his later years with Guns N' Roses, Slash formed the side project Slash's Snakepit.

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