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Manuel Neuer tipo de personalidade mbti

Manuel Neuer tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Manuel Neuer? Manuel Neuer é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 316 em enneagram, RCOAN em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

Like the other comment, I don't see a risk taking sweeper keeper like Neuer being a Si dom. I see the Te and Se, please correct me if I'm wrong tho, I only know his play style and not his personality. Edit: Changed from ENTJ from ISTP, Neuer clearly has Se but I'm not so sure about Te.. Ti makes more sense.


Manuel Neuer (born 1986) is a German professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Bundesliga club Bayern Munich, which he captains, and the Germany national team.

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