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Ilhoon tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Ilhoon? Ilhoon é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 3w4 - sx/sp - 379 em enneagram, em Big 5, LIE em sociônicos."

Se-dom. *always* makes eye contact with people behind the camera, and you can see their reactions on his face in live-time. like you can literally guess how they're reacting to him based on his reaction to them in that moment. as a result, he is an extremely good facilitator, which is why sungjae says he has a 'leadership quality'. you can see it every time he always seems to know what to say, even taking over eunkwang sometimes. this was especially evident when eunkwang was in the military. all of my close friends are either ESTP or INTJ - and they very distinctly have Se on opposite ends of their function stack. so I'm really surprised to see him being typed as INTJ here (too bad nobody's made a comment). the best way to tell them apart is their degree of Se, imo. INTJs can be quite talented, which could make you think they have good/decent Se, I suppose, but I'm always surprised by how little they pick up on in terms of Se, their weakness. believe he's taken the test himself and got ESTP, but it seems like only knets know this. also: can do most things well - the 'doer'. great host, just like fellow ESTP joe rogan. 'serial' collaborator - ESTPs are 'developers' and work best with others. can also see this when he's in producer mode. almost always the first to react/reacts fast. has said he prefers 'chill' and 'chewy' rap, as opposed to hard and fast rap (which xNTJs like Zico are great at - xNTJs can seem chill, but they have an inner intensity to them, whereas ESTPs can seem intense, but are really quite chill people, can be drawn to 'finer/Se' qualities like 'chewiness'. people who have worked with ilhoon backstage have also mentioned that he's very 'calm' (=chill), and good at taking care of them - another ESTP quality, bc 'experience' is something they consider and look to create) very bright in his natural state, on and off camera. damn, I just wrote an entire essay about this, lol. gotta love my ESTPs


BtoB (/ˈbiːtuːbiː/ BEE-too-bee; Hangul: 비투비; acronym for Born to Beat) is a South Korean boy band formed in 2012 by Cube Entertainment. The group consists of Seo Eun-kwang, Lee Min-hyuk, Lee Chang-sub, Im Hyun-sik, Peniel Shin, Jung Il-hoon, and Yook Sung-jae

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