Wadanohara tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Wadanohara? Wadanohara é um tipo de personalidade ISFJ em mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - 926 em enneagram, SCOAN em Big 5, EII em sociônicos."

🐚⚠️Spoilers for Wadanohara and the great blue sea⚠️🐚 Personally I don’t really understand the INFP (or any form of Fi over Fe) arguments for Wadanohara cause her entire character is very very Fe rooted. Her morals are solidly based around the people of her home and what’s best for everyone and what they want, which is a very common Fe type trope (no don’t worry, I am not implying that Fi users don’t care about other people but Fi users morals from what I’m seen are always more deeper or personal(?) in a sense, I don’t know if I phrased this correct but it’s not trying to be mean to Fi users 💔 Fi users ily guys, I just don’t think Fi suits Wadanohara). As we see in many parts of the game Wadanohara does things simply just because other people say she should or want her too, even if she disagrees. For example when Samekichi is made out to be ‘villainous’ she strongly disagrees because of how she remembers him (si rooted maybe) but because she’s so oriented in the happiness of others and how they perceive her, she refuses to stand up for her own belief because the majority of people could be upset by it. When Sal does awful things to her and Samekichi she mentions “isn’t there a way to resort this?” (Though I think this is more about Wadanohara being e9 and her intense dislike of conflict, also ew Sal 👎) I think Wadanoharas hard time talking about emotions can apply with any type, cause anybody can have mental health problems and not know how to express it so I won’t talk TOO much about that, though Wadanohara didn’t talk about how she felt in fear of worrying her friends, even if how she felt was VERY obvious (for example being upset in early scenes with Samekichi when he kept saying mean stuff towards her) As for Si a lot of the game is based on Wadanoharas memory, heck the whole game IS her memory. When wadanohara passes out what does she see? Her memories with Samekichi. She’s constantly trying to look to the past and personal experiences for answers on everything she faces pretty much. She’s fairly keen on details and having routine/repeating methods as well. Sorry if a lot of this is very stereotypical or sounds like I’m being a biased ISFJ, I promise that’s not what I am attempting!! I just struggle to see why Wadanohara would be Fi Dom with Ne aux when her character is full of very clear Fe and the story line is very Si based, I never saw high/any examples of Ne (or Ni) within Wadanoharas character. I’ve also considered the idea of ESFJ (FeSi) Wadanohara before but I haven’t heard any reasons for it and that could just be her e9, so I’m going to stick with SiFe Wadanohara cause I think it suits her best! :) If anything I wrote in this didn’t make sense, please inform me, I apologise if it didn’t and I’ll try and clarify!! <3


Wadanohara (大海原) is the main protagonist of Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. She is a young sea witch and the daughter of Meikai, the Great Sorcerer. She cares deeply for the sea and for her former familiar, Samekichi.

Videogames caracteres semelhantes a Wadanohara
