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Johnny Cash tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Johnny Cash? Johnny Cash é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 845 em enneagram, RLUEI em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

Aight I’m here to make an at least somewhat proper argument based on interviews because all of these arguments suck. One thing I can immediately tell about Cash is that he’s most definitely a sensing type. He’s not too abstract, and he’s very grounded, as this current typing references. Reading an interview from an article with him, this is pretty clear - “I don’t go for hook lines; that’s the big thing in Nashville. I go for the general feeling, that there is something strong there.” No, for all of you early typers out there, the fact that he referenced “feelings” doesn’t mean that he’s a feeler. I’d actually say that this quote is indicative of Si, particularly in Jungian. He’s talking about the mood and sensation of the moment. In the interview, he describes his creative process, which comes off as very slow and focused - “I don’t feel like I have to have an obligation; I have to have the song come on its own; it’s not something that I can force,”…”The title is always very important to me. I hear songs by somebody, and they’ll say ‘I don’t have a title yet.’ That doesn’t make any sense to me. All of my songs from the get-go have a title.” Some may argue that his songs have this sort of depth of emotion within them, and while I agree, it’s important to realize that that’s not all feeling is. Feeling types are all about values and stuff. Cash valued his relationships, sure, but in his overall way of thinking, I don’t see any of that at all. As for enneagram, he’s definitely not 4w5 💀 heck, the only explanation for that is also the fact that he has any amount of depressing emotional depth. But he doesn’t actually match E4 at all. He doesn’t have envy or his heart as a main focus. He does have some of that 4 melancholy though, so some kind of high 4-fixer, but with the consensus being sx4, that especially doesn’t work, because sx4s are fixated on competition and envy. This wasn’t Cash at all. He was melancholic, but grounded, and not into such things. I think he’s either sexual 5w4 or 8w9 by this point. If he’s an 8w9, I could also see MAYBE self-preservation 8, but he could also just be a very chill sx8 in the way he viewed his relationships. Honestly, I can see more connection to gut and all that, so I’m gonna go with sx8 for now, but I’ll consider sx5 as a possibility.


John R. Cash (born J. R. Cash; February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003) was an American singer-songwriter, guitarist, actor, and author. He is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, having sold more than 90 million records worldwide. Although primarily remembered as a country music icon, his genre-spanning songs and sound embraced rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, folk, and gospel.

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