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Calvin Vail (LeafyIsHere) tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Calvin Vail (LeafyIsHere)? Calvin Vail (LeafyIsHere) é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 683 em enneagram, RLUEN em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."

ti - leafy used many tactics during the start of his channel oriented towards manipulating the environment and problem solving. he managed to code a program that could easily get the private information of many people, used what was likely a bot to send emails to many popular channels to get traction. not only that, but he always navigated the world through his own personal sense of logic and was very oriented towards criticizing others. and he looks like jojo from horton hears a who whos a ti dom se - he tends to keep his stories and general videos in the realm of basic reality, being a general realist. he often picks on things he notices about others appearances, and didnt think too much about the consequences, indicating lower ni. leafy also talked alot about his illegal consumption and experiences hes had with drugs, unhealthy se seeking present-focused sensory experience coming out. ni - dont really see it, probably just underdeveloped fe - he takes enjoyment out of throwing insults at others, such as the old teamspeak meetings between minecraft server owners, clearly never thinking to maybe consider the others emotions. still though, he does have a speck of fe, shown when he apologized to mrblackdarkness666 for being so mean to him, saying he was just messing around, atleast caring a little about little kids coming across a "child-friendly" video named fucking (sexual assault) or escape, and telling his fans that all his content is just in good fun and the people he discusses shouldnt be witchhunted, and generally apologizing when he realizes hes crossed the line. still, his fe is too flexible, and is only brought out when he fears for his career, so i generally see it as inferior. edgelord... i used to love this guy when i was going through that classic isxp edge phase but hes cringe i now realize


Calvin Lee Vail (born 18 August 1995), better known online as LeafyIsHere or just Leafy, was an American YouTube commentator, and comedian residing in Seattle, Washington, who made commentary and reaction videos.

Internet celebridade semelhante a Calvin Vail (LeafyIsHere)
