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Toshizo Hijikata tipo de personalidade mbti

Toshizo Hijikata tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Toshizo Hijikata? Toshizo Hijikata é um tipo de personalidade INTJ em mbti, 1w9 - sx/sp - 163 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, LSE em sociônicos."

I'm seriously intrigued about the sudden change of ISTJ to INTJ. As much as I'd love Hiji to be an INTJ (that would mean it would be easier for me to get along with him), I still go with ISTJ. I'm open to debate, though. Just in case someone is wondering, I've played the games, watched the anime, movies and stage plays. I'm actually a freak who psycho-analyses every character. Just saying this to let you know I've been into Hakuouki for the long haul, I'm not a casual beginner who barely knows about the characters, but still decided to act like a know-it-all (sadly I've seen a lot of that on this web). So. Our debate is between him being a "Sensor" or "iNtuitive". I'm gonna explain my pov the easier I can, so even a Mbti newbie can understand. (Meaning: I'll try not to use the cognitive functions "Fi" "Ti" concepts, just the "Intuitive and "Sensor"). Let's gooo step by step: First: INTJ vs ISTJ. (Source: https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/2017/06/23/ISTJ-INTJ-clarifying-common-mistype/ ) "ISTJs use Introverted Sensing (Si), which thinks about and sees the details. ISTJs are practical, down-to-earth, and focused on realistic objectives and problems. They have a fondness for recalling past events in detail. They enjoy reflecting on their favorite memories, and they enjoy repeating their favorite daily activities. They like knowing what will happen, what to expect, and they like to create a daily routine that gives them stability and security." Though is truth Hijikata is always working his ass off for the future of the Shinsengumi, in the games/anime, we can see him reflecting on his memories about the Shieikan days more than once. How many times have you seen him sitting alone reflecting about the past, like happened in Shimabara?. Of course this proves nothing, everyone can think and reflect about their past but to me, it seems like is the kind of person who likes to think and talk about the past., and most important: he's good at remembering details. He also likes stability and having an idea of "what to expect" (which makes sense, since he is someone who loves order and rules). When Kondou gets shot and Hiji begins to lose sight of what he has planned for their future, he starts feeling kinda "anxious". You remember that scene in the games when Chizuru notices he looks more tired than usual (he’s pretending he’s fine, though ofc ._.) and when she leaves the room, hears him mumbling "What will happen to us now...?". (Not saying this can’t happen to an INTJ, though.) Some ISTJ traits: – They absorb and place importance on proven facts, which they can recall swiftly. – They tend to be hard-working and responsible and have a respect for history and traditions. – They enjoy tried-and-true techniques, focus on what already exists and prefer to deal with concrete realities, facts, and examples. – They form future forecasts based on what they’ve learned through personal experience. – They thrive on routine and like to know what to expect. – They are often described as “conservative”, “practical” or “level-headed”. On the other hand. INTJS: "INTJs use Introverted Intuition (Ni), which thinks about the big picture and is in love with theories and abstract possibilities. INTJs are driven by their hunches and their insights into the future or how things will play out. They don’t enjoy reminiscing and care little for the tried-and-true technique. They want to find new ways to do things. They want to explore pathways that nobody else has and are more interested in trailblazing a new idea than improving on an existing one. INTJs can focus so much on the future that they forget about what’s happening “right now”. They are individualistic, extremely independent, and find routine and practical matters boring. They are driven their inspirations, and they can’t always pinpoint where that inspiration came from. Because they are so driven by their hunches, knowing what to expect every single day can frustrate them and feel monotonous." Points for INTJ: It is true that Hijikata wanted to be a samurai even though he wasn't born in a samurai family. He didn't follow rules and traditions, quite the opposite, he went and chased his "stupid" dreams (as he himself stated). That seems more "N" than "S", but it's not irrefutable proof. I, myself, I'm an i(N)tuitive, and I wouldn't have the balls to do that, as much as I would have wanted to. Actually, Kondou, who is also an i(N)tuitive, was like "You see... I have this dream of becoming a samurai, but I'm just a farmer". He wanted to, but he didn't have the resolution to start it. It was Hijikata who supported and convinced him they could do it. So I think it has more to do with Hijikata's personality traits (being so stubborn and self-confident) rather than being a Sensor or iNtuitive. He really believed they could do it, so he went for it. (TO BE CONTINUED....)


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