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  2. Teatro
  3. Hamilton: An American Musical

Angelica Schuyler tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Angelica Schuyler? Angelica Schuyler é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 7w8 - so/sx - 721 em enneagram, SCOAI em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

Hamilton was meant to be with her instead of Eliza. It's really obvious that Eliza doesn't appreciate his work ethic and is trying to force him into being a family man instead. If he was with Angelica she wouldn't have ditched her plan to include women in the sequel and they would be the ultimate power couple, with Alex as a founding father and maybe Angelica as America's first female politician. Also NTs click with NFs way more than SFs (Angelica IS a feeler, if she was a Te dom she wouldn't have ditched her plans to make love her main priority).


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