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  2. Filmes
  3. Treasure Planet (2002)

James Pleiades "Jim" Hawkins tipo de personalidade mbti

James Pleiades "Jim" Hawkins tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é James Pleiades "Jim" Hawkins? James Pleiades "Jim" Hawkins é um tipo de personalidade ISFP em mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 468 em enneagram, em Big 5, ESI em sociônicos."

I always thought his attitude towards B.E.N. was pretty inf Te. ---gets overly excited for easy and convenient answers (ben knows about the treasure) ---trying to say they're busy and can't waste time, but trying really hard to be polite about it cuz Te isn't the dominant function. ---The whole 'sure whatever, come along but don't be stupid' passive attitude. ---organized, clear, and efficient enough to give ben instructions --- seeking empirical evidence (the treasure) to prove his success/worth to everyone. --- enlisted in the naval academy (this isn't really proof, I just thought it was funny) His whole arc seems to be about finding direction and structure/order in his life (Te), as well as searching for an identity and finding his place and function in the world (Fi and Te). It's quite obvious that he doesn't like being considered a rebel, and he tries to change that by objective means rather than Ti questioning the system that gave him his poor evaluation. I just don't think Jim is that critical of a person (both in attitude and analysis). He is smart, but being smart doesn't always equal Ti dom. Where is the Ti worldview? When does he ever apply any personal preexisting logical framework? Also, this might be a hot take, but I don't think he's all that unhealthy (not enough to change his function preference). I just think he was in need of some guidance due to some issues he had in his personal development as a kid. It really has little to do with personality, which is what makes him so relatable, no matter which personality type you are.


James Pleiades "Jim" Hawkins is the protagonist of Disney's 2002 animated feature film Treasure Planet. He is the only son of Sarah Hawkins, the proprietor of the Benbow Inn. When the inn is destroyed by a crew of pirates, Jim embarks on an expedition to find the fabled Treasure Planet in hopes of using its vast wealth to better his mother's life, as well as his own.

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