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Yamazaki Kaoru tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Yamazaki Kaoru? Yamazaki Kaoru é um tipo de personalidade ENTJ em mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 386 em enneagram, SLOEI em Big 5, LIE em sociônicos."

His appearance and his platonic love of galges (this part would indicate the Ne) might let his type get mistaken for INTP. However, his dedicated and goal-orinted problem solving methods, the 'End justifies the means' mentality and his goal of helping others (well, Satou in this case) along with getting things done solely because he got irritated by Satou's poor life choices point out the opposition between him and all the gloomy IxxP types, he is not focused on his inner processes (Ti/Fi), but the outer world and efficiency. Te over Fe, because he doesn't value inclusion and harmony, quite the opposite he is confrontational and argumentative, it's probably the reason for the 6 ENTP votes. +He is a typical LIE too, what's the reason for LII? Definitely not an alpha.


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