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  3. Frankenweenie (2012)

Victor Frankenstein tipo de personalidade mbti

Victor Frankenstein tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Victor Frankenstein? Victor Frankenstein é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 549 em enneagram, RCUAI em Big 5, em sociônicos."

I don't think Victor is an INFP. Sure he is very attached to his dog, but that's on his sx subtype. Victor is out of touch with expressing his emotional states. He is cold among people, and undesiring of human contact (often not the case). He basically feels out of touch with his social surroundings. The rules of social "games" are often not naturally understood, this is why his father is so concerned about his solitude and his lack of friends and forces him to play baseball with his friends. This all is ILI. > "The are often unconfident and uneasy in social settings, especially those in which they feel that are expected to abide by social conventions that they have little connection to such as tribesmanship or purposeless joviality. Additionally, ILIs tend to regard the development of trust with others with significant anxiety, fearing that their inner world or antisocial tendencies will be unfavorably looked upon by others, and that most of the good will and friendliness they see in others is a pretense of social interaction rather than an expression of genuine emotional reactions. Often ILIs eschew many social situations and neglect emotional association with groups, instead seeking deep emotional connections with individuals." You say INFP also can be science focused, which is true, but not exactly. If he was INFP, he would be way more focused on his emotions and the psychological atmosphere. But he is instead focused on his own ideas and concepts, spending most of the time inside his mind.


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