1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Filmes
  3. The Social Network (2010)

Sean Parker tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Sean Parker? Sean Parker é um tipo de personalidade ENTP em mbti, 7w8 - sp/sx - 738 em enneagram, SCUEI em Big 5, ILE em sociônicos."

(Edit: I honestly don’t know what his type is in the film. Still leaning ENTP but based on the recent uprising I’m questioning everything.) Constant turns of phrase, land speed record for talking, frantic Ne-Fe burst (lying) during the police station call with Zuckerberg, highly and successfully manipulative, subject to manic glee while snorting coke and rambling about the world to come, and basically everything else he does in the movie. Parker and Zuckerberg click instantly because they are both intuitive thinkers. Although, Sean does catch that beer while the woman does not. Se dom is possible. The dinner with Zuck, Saverin, and Christy Ling. The Ne is just spraying all everywhere. Parker runs over Saverin at every turn and at the same time pads the majority of his blows and sets the tone for, and outright sparks the rift between Eduardo and Mark and then, poof. He's gone. The way he pieces The Facebook idea together on the fly WHILE juggling three people at once. The metaphysics are gorgeous. I don't think Parker gave a crap about Saverin one way or another. Eduardo sealed his own fate with the pissing contest in the restaurant and then screwing with the accounts. And he's just hostile with Sean at every turn. Saverin just can't hang in those scenes and his ego winds up burning him. Not that these things warranted the treatment he got in the end. But it is a movie. The parable in the club and the rapport between Zuckerberg and Parker just absolutely scream intuitive thinkerness to me. At the very least he has Ti-Fe in the middle. Oh, and the way Sean flinches in the Facebook office scene. Se demon will freak out like that at the drop of a hat. Especially in ENTPs. Could the 7w8 account for people's ESTP vibes? Think Frank Gallagher from the series Shameless (U.S.). Zuckerberg and Parker both exhibit blatant, sometimes comical characteristics of Machiavellian Personality Disorder.


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