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  3. Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

Andy Waltfeld tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Andy Waltfeld? Andy Waltfeld é um tipo de personalidade ISTP em mbti, 9w8 - sp/so - 973 em enneagram, RCUAN em Big 5, SLI em sociônicos."

"At first glance Durandal's Destiny Plan seems like it could truly alter the age we live in for the better. However, we mustn't forget good common sense. People do not live to serve the world around them; the world is a place for people to live their lives as they see fit." - Waltfeld's "refutation" to the Destiny Plan in GSD39. He's running Se, not Ne, because his logic is straightforward, surface level and "takes things at face value" as opposed to playing a devil's advocate and poking holes from multiple angles. Andrew Waltfeld worked well with Lacus because he's an ISTP which is the opposite of her ENFJ. I feel that an xNTP (Gundam Seed was severely lacking in the Ne-Ti department) wouldn't be able to stand by Lacus Clyne's side for very long as her Inf-Ti would drive them up the wall.


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