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  3. Reign (2013)

Henry II of France tipo de personalidade mbti

Henry II of France tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Henry II of France? Henry II of France é um tipo de personalidade ESTP em mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 em enneagram, SLUEN em Big 5, em sociônicos."

Crippling Se dom but I have my doubts on the Ti - Fe axis. He never seemed to properly think things through and just forcibly put them in action. His Se was raging all the time and he basically lived for his own pleasure and desires. And he became very unhealthy later on when he suddenly realized that "God chose him to be king so everyone should know he's superior", sounds like the ultimate unhealthy Ni moment to me, self-delusion. I think he might be a Te user as well because he just wanted what he wanted and didn't care about hurting others, he was very self-absorbed and forceful. But then again he was going mad at that time so idk. (Also appears to be a thinker if we type by letters?) Edit: Reading my old comments lately and when I think it through ESTP makes sense for this guy. Yeah he was abrasive and inconsiderate but that doesn't have to indicate Te. I don't see the authenticism I would expect from an ESFP in this guy, and he doesn't seem to care about developing personal values at all.


Husband to Catherine and ruler of France, Henry is a pragmatic, power-hungry man easily driven by primal instincts.

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