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Soushi Miketsukami tipo de personalidade mbti

Soushi Miketsukami tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Soushi Miketsukami? Soushi Miketsukami é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 9w1 - sx/sp - 962 em enneagram, RLUAN em Big 5, em sociônicos."

"Am I not needed..? Then please dispose of me. I exist only for you, Ririchiyo-sama. If you declare that I am not needed, then my life is of no worth." | "How can I go on living if I exist but to serve you?" | "It would be my pleasure to serve you when I am needed and to be discarded when I am not." | [To Kagerou]: "Someone can only respect himself, if he exists himself, Kagerou-sama. As you say, from today on, I am yours. I don't have a 'myself' apart from you." I understand the thoughts of Soushi being part of the image triad, but sx 9 really is the best enneatype for him taking his backstory and overall actions into account. He lacks a sense of self, merges with others, and tends to others' needs instead of his own without expecting anything in return. When Ririchiyo inspired him via her letters, he dropped everything so he could be her guardian/servant. When she initially refused him, he told her to k*ll him because he'd have no purpose if he couldn't serve her. His conversation with Kagerou in the past also aligns with sx 9: https://youtu.be/eVsMdlflUTA?si=OOYIggLK0XrlUs5w As seen in the clip, when Kagerou tells Miketsukami to lick his shoes, he goes to do it without hesitation. When Kagerou ask him if has has no pride, Soushi responds simply responds that he doesn't have a self apart from him. For reference, I'll share the official descriptions for sx 9, sx 3, and sx 2, since those seem to be the leading types for him: Sx 9: https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/enneagram/page/sexual-9-in-detail Sx 3: https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/enneagram/page/sexual-3-in-detail Sx 2: https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/enneagram/page/sexual-2-in-detail According to the sx 9 wiki summary: Sloth in the Sexual Sphere "Sloth of the 9 when combined with the sexual instinct gives us the sexual 9 character, a character which has a need for the love of another for one’s own identity. The sexual Sloth here loses its instinctive character and becomes an ability to perceive the need of the other. Their own pleasure can be experienced if it is at the service of the loved person’s pleasure, with a feeling of abnegation where the self has no space. These people tend to merge easily with others, losing touch with themselves in the process. Total merging with another is seen by sexual nines to be what they need to be whole. The other becomes the reference, the compass to detect needs or thoughts. Ichazo called the SX9 "Union", they need to love of another for their own identity[1], it's a symbiotic confluence where the individual lives the desires of others as his own and their true individual desires are often disregarded.[2] Naranjo described it similarly, as someone who postpones pleasure in his excessive pleasing and merging with the other, losing himself.[2]" This describes Miketsukami almost perfectly.


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