1. Pessoas e Personagens
  2. Anime e mangá
  3. Ranma ½

Mousse tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Mousse? Mousse é um tipo de personalidade INFP em mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - 641 em enneagram, RLOEN em Big 5, LSI em sociônicos."


Shampoo's "stupid friend from childhood", Mousse is head-over-heels for her and chases after her madly in a desperate attempt to win her love, either by kissing her feet or by proving his prowess by defeating the man she wants to marry. Though his relationship with Ranma is much more bitter and hostile than, say, Ryōga's, Mousse does eventually come to something of an understanding with him, and stops actually attempting to kill him — though not enough to make him stop blaming Ranma for "keeping Shampoo from him". While she doesn't seem to outright hate him, she certainly doesn't seem to have any romantic interest in him, to the extent that even saving her from mind control (giving up a chance to make her his literal love slave in the process) didn't earn him so much as a "thank you," and she had to be tricked into helping save his life.
