Abraham Reyes tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Abraham Reyes? Abraham Reyes é um tipo de personalidade ENFJ em mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 378 em enneagram, SLOEI em Big 5, EIE em sociônicos."

I like how in both games we get a real revolutionary leader as counterpoint to Dutch. RDR1 is more about how John's moral code sets him apart from other killers who do it for self-serving reasons, so we get him judging the charismatic Reyes for his complete lack of faithfulness to Luisa, plus he seems to care more about the respect and attention he'll receive as president of Mexico than he does the needs of the people. This stands in contrast to Dutch, who appears to more or less believe in his principles, but resorts to abject terrorism in order to manifest them. Reyes, a poser, appears to emerge successful, while ride-or-die Dutch fades into infamy and obscurity. In RDR2, we deal with how blind loyalty can lead one to not only lose their way and do morally reprehensible things, but how those who lead these kinds of radical movements often care more about achieving (and controlling) their ideal society than they do the people who'll live in that society. While Dutch is petty and lashes out at individuals who go against or obstruct his ideals, Hercule embodies true leadership, both coordinating a successful revolt against Fussar, and opening the way for the slaves to escape Guarma to Haiti. Hercule's goals are obviously more immediately attainable than Dutch's, but the fact that he inspires loyalty through solidarity with those in a similar situation to his—as opposed to Dutch, who inspires loyalty through his charitable benevolence and apparent wisdom—sets him up as a foil to our fearless outlaw leader, the concomitant free-spirited anarcho-primitivist and paranoid cult leader who ultimately exposes himself to be a manipulative narcissist.


Abraham Reyes is a major character featured in Red Dead Redemption.

Videogames caracteres semelhantes a Abraham Reyes
