Dirk Gently tipo de personalidade mbti


"Que tipo de personalidade é Dirk Gently? Dirk Gently é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 7w6 - so/sp - 741 em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

He thinks aloud all the time, flooding everyone with stuff nobody wants to hear. He comes to conclusions while talking aloud, not after having thought everything over (season 2's whole case, especially the cave deduction).He has a deep, emotional interior, which can only burst out as an incoherent ramble (like season 2 "poof, did it!"). He's exhilarated about every small thing, never losing sheer enthusiasm. He's quite oblivious to other people's emotions, so his words may come across as hurtful- and he doesn't feel how socially inept he can be until after it's done. ENTPs tend to be more socially aware.He's NOT COOL. He's just all over the place, getting randomly, blindly excited about everything and everyone. More irritating than charming.He's prone to panic as he relies on his feelings more than logic, especially in stressful situations (an ENTP would not experience such a hyperbolized reaction to being stuck in the death maze, for instance). He's got a unique sense of style, wears vibrant, childlike colors and patters, which's typically the proof of Fi- personal style, regardless of what people think. (...)


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