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Jaco Pastorius tipo de personalidade mbti

Jaco Pastorius tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Jaco Pastorius? Jaco Pastorius é um tipo de personalidade ESFP em mbti, 3w4 - - 368 em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."

This article paints him as an inarguble Se dom. The question is ESFP or ESTP—not ISFP. EXCERPT: Even then, John was a flamboyant youth who played sports with an intensity that was typical of skinny kids who make up in zeal what they lack in size and talent. From sports, he earned the nickname “Jocko,” for “jock,” which he would eventually change to the more exotic “Jaco” when he became a jazz musician. “Jaco never slowed down,” says Greg. “He was always on the manic edge, always pushing fun to the limit. He took me to the beach during the worst hurricanes just to feel the power. It was a totally natural reaction to his environment. When he was 12, he was the best Little League baseball player in town. One day, a kid told me that my brother was an egomaniac because he was always saying he was the greatest. I didn’t know what ‘egomaniac’ meant, so I said, ‘But Jaco is the greatest.’ I worshiped him. http://www.thestacksreader.com/who-killed-jaco-pastorius/


John Francis Anthony "Jaco" Pastorius III was an American jazz bassist who was a member of Weather Report from 1976 to 1981. He worked with Pat Metheny, Joni Mitchell, and recorded albums as a solo artist and band leader. His bass playing employed funk, lyrical solos, bass chords, and innovative harmonics.

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