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William Henry Vanderbilt tipo de personalidade mbti

William Henry Vanderbilt tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é William Henry Vanderbilt? William Henry Vanderbilt é um tipo de personalidade ISTJ em mbti, 1w9 - - em enneagram, em Big 5, em sociônicos."


William Henry "Billy" Vanderbilt (May 8, 1821 – December 8, 1885) was an American businessman and philanthropist. He was the eldest son of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, an heir to his fortune and a prominent member of the Vanderbilt family. Vanderbilt was the richest American after he took over his father's fortune in 1877 until his own death in 1885, passing on a substantial part of the fortune to his wife and children, particularly to his sons Cornelius II and William.

O negócio celebridade semelhante a William Henry Vanderbilt
