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  2. Televisão
  3. Skam (2015)

Even Bech Næsheim tipo de personalidade mbti

Even Bech Næsheim tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Even Bech Næsheim? Even Bech Næsheim é um tipo de personalidade ENFP em mbti, 7w6 - sx/sp - 749 em enneagram, SCUAI em Big 5, IEE em sociônicos."

I think the most possible main issue that can be faced while typing him is his mental instability shadowing his true self and inner core. Personally, I couldn't see any kind of resemblance of him being 4 core in general. Mostly when he's dealing with stress or pressure, he tends to let himself go. However, it's agreeable that from time to time, he behaves as if no one can understand the pain he's been caring like 4s. Even though these aspects he shows; in my perspective, he generally avoids getting hurt or faces the problems by dodging the reality and seeking for joy like type 7, but this behavior can also easily be mixed with his disorder. I'm leaning more to the idea of 7, but I'm open to any kind of argument about his type. Even though he's one of the main characters in 3rd season, it's hard to consider him without the affects of his unstable self. Out of context: Skam France version of this character can be typed as 4 more than him.


Portrayed by Henrik Holm.

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