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  3. Tokyo Ghoul

Seidou Takizawa tipo de personalidade mbti

Seidou Takizawa tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Seidou Takizawa? Seidou Takizawa é um tipo de personalidade ESTJ em mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - em enneagram, SLOAI em Big 5, EIE em sociônicos."

Based on this description, shouldn't he be social 6? "Takizawa has a very straight-forward and earnest personality, being a relatively normal young man. He holds strong admiration for his exceptional superiors, prone to fawning over them and admitting to collecting newspaper clippings of Arima's cases. However, he also has a deeply harbored desire to be respected and places considerable importance on seniority both in terms of rank and age. This leads to conflicts among his coworkers when he does not earn the respect he feels is owed to him, and he is easily upset when out-shined by those he considers his peers or younger associates. He is very excitable, both in terms of stuttering in excitement or becoming high-strung when agitated. When disappointed or frustrated, he is prone to pouting or acting gloomy for long enough for others to comment on it. In this manner, he is somewhat immature but not particularly malicious or mean-spirited. However, his rivalry with Akira Mado tends to bring out the worst in him and they are rarely able to interact without bickering. He is easily frustrated with her or the equally exceptional Juuzou Suzuya, but ultimately admits to their superior talents and does express concern for them when things are serious. Though he talks himself up, in reality he holds considerable doubts about his abilities when it comes to actual combat. He actively puts up a brave front, asking for field work to engage combat with ghouls. However, when actually faced with the reality of live combat and possible death, he breaks down and is overcome with feelings of fear. Even so, his commitment to his duty and comrades is stronger than any fears or doubts he might bear."


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